Charging By Induction

Reference: EM21
Category: Electromagnetism
Purpose: Shows charging by induction.
Description: Charge the brass sphere by flicking it with flannel (or rubbing it with rabbit skin). Bring it near to the brass cylinder. Touch a proof plane against one or other end of the cylinder, and then against the plate of an electroscope. It may be necessary to repeat this several times, the leaves of the electroscope gradually diverging more and more. Now touch the proof plane against the other end of the cylinder and transfer this charge to the electroscope. The leaves begin to collapse, showing that the charge is of opposite sign. Similarly by touching the proof plane against the sphere and transferring charge, it may be shown that charge on the near end of the cylinder is of opposite sign to that on the sphere, while charge on the far end is of the same sign. Remember to pass the proof plane through the flame of a Bunsen burner to remove charge from it between each operation. Small wooden spheres and cylinders placed on stands can also be used for this demonstration.
Similar to: Charging By Induction 2

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