Mechanics Index

The mechanics demonstrations are on Level 2.


M1:Crystal Structure - Salt

Illustrates a model of atoms in a crystal lattice.

M2:Crystal Structure - Carbon

Illustrates a model of atoms in a crystal lattice.

M10:Gravitational Acceleration

Demonstrates that acceleration due to gravity is not dependent on mass.

M11:Guinea and Feather

Demonstrates that acceleration due to gravity is not dependent on mass or shape.

M12:Gun That Never Misses

This demonstrates the independence of the horizontal and vertical components of motion with a less intuitive setup.

M13:Pop and Drop

This demonstrates the independence of the vertical and horizontal components of velocity.

M14:Rolling Cart Catches Ball

This demonstrates the independence of the vertical and horizontal components of velocity.

M15:Centre of Mass

This illustrates the concept of centre of mass.

M16:Principle of Moments

Demonstrates the principle of moments.

M17:Centre of Gravity

Demonstrates the concept of centre of gravity.


Demonstrates the concept of the centre of mass frame.

M19:Double Cone

This illustrates the concept of centre of mass with a less intuitive setup.

M20:Inertial Reference Frame

Demonstrates the concept of an inertial reference frame.

M21:Ball Falling into Cup

Demonstrates the "absence" of the graviational force in the reference frame of a free-falling system.



M23:Falling Chimney


Demonstrates the concept of inertia.

M40:Parallelogram of Forces

Demonstrates the parallelogram rule for summing vectors.

M41:Resultant of Vectors in 3D

This shows that equilibrium of forces takes place in 3 dimensions.

M42:Components of Forces

Demonstrates the independence of the compenents of forces.

M43:Aeroplane on a String

M44:Tangential Motion

Demonstrates Newton's 1st law.

M46:Spheres on Inclined Plane

M47:Stability of a Ladder

This is an example of three forces in equilibrium.

M48:Roller on Inclined Plane

Demonstrates that rolling friction is much smaller than sliding friction.

M49:Loaded Block on Inclined Plane

Shows in principle how the coefficients of static and kinetic friction can be determined.

M50:Block on Inclined Plane

Demonstrates friction.

M60:Varying Tension in String

Demonstrates varying tension due to centripetal acceleration.

M61:Pulley Systems

Demonstrates various pulleys.

M62:Resolution of Forces - Inclined Plane

Shows the forces exerted on a block resting on an inclined plane.

M66:Differential Pulley

Demonstrates the use of a differential pulley.


Illustrates the principle that the work done in lifting a large mass a short distance is equivalent to the work done by a small force over a large distance.

M68:Equal Masses on Double Pulley

Illustrates Newton's 1st law in a less intuitive setup.

M69:Adjustable Pulley

A pulley with adjustable height.


Demonstrates elastic collisions.

M81:Newton's Cradle

Demonstrates the conservation of momentum and kinetic energy in elastic collisions.

M82:Small Newton's Cradle

Demonstrates the conservation of momentum and kinetic energy in elastic collisions.

M83:Balls on Rails

Demonstrates the conservation of momentum and kinetic energy in elastic collisions.

M84:Inelastic Collisions

Demonstrates how momentum and kinetic energy are not conserved in inelastic collisions.

M85:Conservation of Momentum

Demonstrates conservation of momentum.

M86:Elastic and Inelastic Collisions

Demonstrates the difference between elastic and inelastic collisions.


To show objects with high coefficients of restitution.

M88:Conservation of Momentum

Demonstrates conservaiton of momentum with a less intuitive setup.

M89:Air Track

Demonstrates elastic collisons.

M90:Rocket and Block

Demonstrates transfer of energy in elastic and inelastic collisions.

M91:Air Table

Demonstrates elastic collisions.

M92:Water Rocket

Demonstrates how conservation of momentum is behind the working of rockets.

M93:Balls on Tracks

An interesting and somewhat counter-intuitive experiment.

M100:Attwood's Machine

An interesting rotational device.


Illustrates the idea of moments.

M102:Rotational Motion

Demonstrates various principles of rotational motion.

M103:Conservation of Momentum: Jet Propulsion

Demonstrates conservation of momentum.

M104:Centrifugal Force

Demonstrates the centripetal force on and centrifugal reaction by a constrained rotated object.

M105:Rotating Candles

M106:Large Gyroscope

Demonstrates various rotational principles.

M108:Angular Momentum

Demonstrates various rotational principles.

M109:Little Gyroscopes

Shows the working of gyroscopes.

M110:Rotational Motion


A wierd rotational device for interest.

M120:Hooke's Law

Demonstrates Hooke's Law.

M121:Elastic Limit

Demonstrates Hooke's Law and the elastic limit of a material.

M122:Torsion & Modulus of Rigidity

Demonstrates the concepts of torsion and the modulus of rigidity.

M130:Harmonic Motion

Shows the equivalence of two types of simple harmonic motion.

M131:Cantilever Oscillations

Demonstrates free-end oscillations.

M132:Ball on a Spring

A simple oscillator.

M133:Oscillating Ball on Slope

Demonstration of harmonic motion.

M140:Simple Pendulums

Simple pendulums.

M141:Period of Oscillation

Shows that the period of oscillation is independent of mass but proportional to the length of string.

M142:Whirligig Pendulum

An unusual pendulum.

M143:Galileo's Pendulum

Sshows the transformation from potential energy to kinetic energy and back again.

M144:Ballistic Pendulum

Demonstrates conservation of energy.

M145:Probabalistic Pendulum

To show a system that is highly sensitive to inital conditions.

M146:Ring Pendulum

Shows that a ring and a straight pendulum have the same period if the length of the pendulum is equal to the diameter of the ring.

M147:Different Length Pendulums

Demonstrates how the period of a pendulum depends on its length.

M148:Oscillating Lamina

Demonstrates how changing the moment of inertia affects the frequency of oscillation.

M149:Double Pendulum

This is an example of a chaotic system that is highly sensitive to initial conditions.

M150:Two Rod Pendulums

A comparison of the acclerations of pendulums with and without masses attached to their lower ends.

M151:Giant Pendulum

This demonstrates conservation of energy in a dramatic way.

M160:Single Wilberforce Pendulum

Shows the normal modes of a Wilberforce pendulum.

M161:Adjustable Wilberforce Pendulum

This demonstrates the effect of changing the moment of inertia on the beat frequency of a Wilberforce pendulum.

M162:Simple Coupled Oscillator

Demonstration of a coupled oscillator.

M163:Oscillators Coupled by Mass

Demonstration of coupled oscillators.

M164:Oscillators Coupled by Rod

Demonstration of coupled oscillators.

M165:Oscillators Coupled by Bar

Demonstration of coupled oscillators.

M166:Pair of Wilberforce Pendulums

Demonstration of coupled oscillators.


Demonstrates resonance.

M171:Resonance Oscillations

Demonstration of resonance.

M180:Chemical Balance

Used to illustrate the sensitivity and stability of a chemical balance.

M181:Large Vernier Calipers

Large model of Vernier calipers

M182:Large Slide Rule

A large slide rule.

M183:Model of a Vernier Scale

M184:Micrometer Screwgauge

A micrometer screw-gauge is a tool used to make fine measurements.


A spherometer is a tool used to make fine measurements

M186:Vector Arrows

Use them to demonstrate vectors in three dimensions.
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