Mechanics Index


Newton's Second Law

Illustrates the momentum principle (Newton's 2nd law).

Double Pendula

Simulates the motion of two double pendula, to illustrate high sensitivity to initial conditions in a simple system.
Simulates the orbits of three planets, to illustrate high sensitivity to initial conditions in a simple system.

Speed of Sound

Simulation of a model of the propagation of sound through a metal.

Potential Energy Well

Simulates motion in a potential energy well. Allows the user to interactively change the shape of the well.


Comparison of the motion of a baseball in a vacuum with its motion in air.

Atom Exctitation

Excitation of atoms by an electron beam.

Bohr Levels

Visualisation of the energy levels of an atom using the Bohr model.


Simplified visualisation of the Franck-Hertz experiment.


A semi-classical visualisation of a quantum oscillator.

Two Pucks

Motion of two pucks being pulled from different points of attachment.

Alpha on Alpha

Visualisation of an alpha particle incident on a stationary alpha particle.

Alpha on Electron

An alpha particle scatters a free electron.

Rutherford Scattering - Gold

Disk source of alpha particles scattering off a gold nucleus.

Rutherford Scattering - Proton

Disk source of alpha particles scattering off a single proton.

Barbell Angular Momentum

The angular momentum of a rotating barbell.

Cross Product

Demonstration of the vector cross product.

Cross Product Area

Demonstration of the vector cross product using the area of the vector parallellogram to show its magnitude.


Illustrates the idea that an object's motion can be broken up into components.

Conical Pendulum

Animates the motion of a conical pendulum, with snapshots of the pendulum position taken at regular intervals.


Animates the motion of a pendulum, with snapshots of the pendulum position taken at regular intervals.


Simulates the motion of a ball in a frictionless half-pipe, with snapshots taken at regular intervals.


Allows the user to pick wave types and see how they interfere with each other when travelling in opposite directions.

Monkey & Hunter

A visualisation of the classic monkey and hunter problem.


Simulation of projectile motion without air friction.


Shows the sum of two sinusoidal functions.


Simulates the motion of a ball rolling down a slope.


Waves of various shapes travelling in the x-direction.

Vernier Calipers

Electronic vernier calipers, with the measurement value displayed.
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