Electromagnetism Index


Electric Field - Point Charge

Displays the electric field of a point charge. The electric field is sampled at fixed points and the charge can be interactively moved through space to see its effect on the electric field.

Vector Intro

Basic introduction to vectors. Not interactive.

Electric Field - Disk

Electric field of a uniformly charged disk.

Electric Field - Disk - Using Rings

Adds up the electric field contributions of charged rings to get the electric field of a charged disk.

Electric Field - Ring

Calculates the electric field of a ring by integrating the contributions from a series of point charges.

Electric Field - Outside Sphere

Calculates the electric field outside a uniformly charged hollow sphere of charge by integrating the contributions from series of rings.

Electric Field - Inside Sphere

Calculates the electric field inside a uniformly charged hollow sphere by integrating the contributions from series of rings.

Magnetic Field - Loop

Calculates the magnetic field of a current-carrying loop by integrating the contributions from a series of current segments.

Magnetic Field - Loop - XY&XZ

Shows the magnetic field from a current-carrying loop in the xy and xz planes.

Magnetic Field - Wire

Calculates the magnetic field of a current-carring wire by integrating the contributions from a series of current segments.

Magnetic Field - Solenoid

Shows the magnetic field of a current-carrying solenoid.

Electric Field - Rings

Shows the electric field of a series of rings.

RC Circuit

Numerical integration of an RC circuit.

Magnetic Field - Moving Proton

Magnetic field around a fast-moving proton.

Electric Field - Moving Proton

Electric field around a fast-moving proton.

Gauss's Law

A qualitative introduction to Gauss's Law.


Propagation of electromagnetic waves from an antenna.

Plane Sinusoidal Wave

Visualisation of the planar propagation of perpendicular electric and magnetic fields.

Radiation Kink

Electric field of an accelerating source.

Radiation - 2D

Spherical electromagnetic wavefront from an accelerating source in 2D.

Radiation - 3D

Spherical electromagnetic wavefront from an accelerating source in 3D.

Crystal Planes

A model of a crystal solid showing crystal planes.


Interference from two sinusoidal waves.

X-Ray Powder

Formation of x-ray powder rings.

Mean Free Path

A model of an ideal gas with hard-sphere collisions showing the mean free path of one atom.


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